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Celest is not surprised when her father abandons her and her mother, Evelyn, after learning that his daughter has a chronic illness. It was only a matter of time before he found some excuse to get rid of them. However, she is surprised when a strange doctor offers them a place to stay, to pay off her medical bills, and a trained diabetic alert dog.
Celest wants to believe in this promise of change, but she knows all too well that good things never last. Dr. Marie does her best to reassure Celest, but she can’t shake the feeling that her mother is hiding more from her - something more than her father’s abuse.
Celest is tired of fighting for this life and is welcoming the idea of the end. Just before she throws in the towel, she crosses paths with two peculiar girls. For the first time in her life, she is around people that make her feel more alive. Now she’s at a crossroad: should she let go and succumb to her depression, or should she take a leap of faith towards her newfound hope?
Riane Zháne Williams is a Type 1 Diabetic black college student from Tallahassee, Florida. She has always loved learning about the world around her and prides herself on her prestigious academic achievements. Due to her unwavering ambition, she was able to graduate high school a year early with Summa Cum Laude status. Now, she is enjoying her sophomore year of college at Florida State University. Riane is currently pursuing a double major in Public Health and Chinese. She has continued receiving prestigious academic awards and intends to get a master’s degree in East Asian Languages: Chinese. Ultimately, she wants to get a PhD in Linguistics and work as a linguistics research professor at a university.
Riane began writing her debut novel in 8th grade (2018) with the intention of bringing more public attention to the chronic condition she suffers from, Type 1 Diabetes, and to shed light on childhood traumas. Growing up, she faced many struggles with depression and anxiety on top of learning how to live independently with an infamously deadly disease. Riane is very passionate about sharing stories with characters that have similar experiences to hers because she has struggled to find books with main characters that experience life through a similar lens. Celest: Every Day is Closer to the End aims to create a realistic and relatable story that accurately represents Type 1 Diabetes and the struggles of growing up in constant turmoil.